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Rules for Artists working with Models:

1. DO NOT touch the model, NO exceptions. No touching is a cardinal rule, not to be broken, ever. This rule also applies to artists when working with models privately for life drawing or photography sessions. A hover to measure technique may be used if using calipers for figure sculpting.  If the teacher/ moderator needs to point something out on the model, the model needs to be asked before every approach.  No one else should approach the model.

2. DO NOT photograph the model.
No photography of the model is allowed in this studio, especially of our nude models. You will be removed if caught photographing the model. Leave your phones in your pockets until the model is robed if you absolutely need to take a picture of your artwork.

As a general rule (including outside of this studio) with clothed models, you must ASK PERMISSION EACH AND EVERY TIME you would like to photograph a model.  It can be disruptive to the model and your fellow artists if you have not been granted permission. If you are granted permission to take a photograph, be prepared to pay an extra fee or tip.  It is nice to ask how much the model charges for photographs after seeking permission.  The model has every right to refuse permission on a case by case situation and you must honor their decision.

3. DO NOT chat with the model when they are modeling.
Conversation can be distracting for the model and your fellow artists.

4. DO NOT make comments about the model’s body!
You will be asked to leave if you make inappropriate comments. Alia Fine Art Studios reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who they deem creates an unsafe environment with zero dollars refunded to the offender.

5. DO NOT invade the model’s personal space. 
 This includes sitting on the model stand or using the model stand for your art supplies.

6. DO NOT ask the model personal questions such as their last name, where they live, etc.

7. DO NOT allow non-artists to wander through the room. 

8. DO make sure the model is warm and as comfortable as possible.

9. One person will be assigned as moderator to help models maintain their pose and get back into it after breaks.
  All pose adjustments should be stated to the moderator, to determine how best to ask the model to adjust the pose if necessary. 

Be kind and polite and all will be well.
Models are especially vulnerable in this situation. Artists are also sensitive. Please be mindful as unwanted critiques can stall artisty. Do not go to a figure drawing group unless you’re really interested in drawing the human form.
Creepers are NOT welcome.