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JaFang Lu
Direct Painting The Figure: Form and Color
Materials List


Have at least two 16” x 20” toned* canvas ready every day.  See toning process.  The total number of canvas needed throughout the week will depend on how many paintings students decide to keep in the shorter exercises.  A good canvas should be able to endure being wiped clean and reused a couple of times. 


Silver Grand Prix (recommended or other brands comparable in size and quality)  

Four or more bristle regular length filbert #4

Two bristle regular length filbert  #6

One bristle filbert #2

Optional-two long filbert #4

Oil Paints

I use mostly Winsor and Newton and Gamblin brand.  However, most professional quality paints should work – no student grade paints. 

Required pigments 

Burnt Sienna (for the grisaille exercise, it would be helpful to have Winsor Newton’s)

Alizarin Crimson

Permanent Rose

Cadmium Scarlet

Cadmium Yellow Light

Pthalo Green (GAM)

French Ultramarine Blue


Optional pigment (bring these pigments if you already have them or purchase them if you’re curious to try)

Cad Orange

Cad Red Deep

Cad Green Pale

Raw Sienna

Indian Yellow


Dioxane Purple (GAM)

Ivory Black


Gamsol only (for those flying in, AFAS will provide Gamsol)

Palette and a Palette knife

Containers with lids for solvent

Viva paper towel or cotton rags

Stand oil (optional)

Cap with a rim (optional)


For acrylic (NOT OIL) primedcanvas only:

On acrylic primed canvas, apply one coat of Golden Acrylic N6 Neutral Gray paint diluted with water to the consistency of “half and half” (roughly 3 parts water and one part acrylic paint) on the canvas with a household (2-3”)paint brush.   To apply the tone, first cover the entire surface of the canvas with the mixture with the household paint brush.  When the surface is completely covered make sure the paint surface is smooth by lightly dragging the same brush across the entire canvas the long way (parallel to the 20” edge). The finished canvas should have a uniformly smooth gray finish with some canvas showing through the brush marks.  Apply one coat only.  You can tone one canvas and let dry to see the result and adjust the mixture if necessary before toning the rest. 

For best result, tone the canvas at least 24 hours before use even though the acrylic dries to touch in as little as 20 minutes.

