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Palette—I use a hand-held wood palette, glass backed with mid-tone grey paper works well too

Palette knife

Paper towels

Medium cups

Non-glass container for Gamsol

Gamsol (odorless mineral spirits) *AFAS will provide this if you are flying. DO NOT FLY with this VOLATILE SOLVENT

Linseed oil, or medium of your choice—I’ve been liking Winsor and Newton painting medium

Artist Tape


Paint box or tackle box

Hat or visor

Bring a wider variety if you have them, but I would recommend at least the following:

Filbert bristle (sizes approximately no. 1, 4, 6, 10)

Filbert or flat, Sable or Synthetic Mongoose (2, 4, 6, 8)

Painting Surfaces:
One lightly toned surface around 16 x 20”. Create a beautiful surface to work on! Panel or a smooth canvas, prep your surface before you arrive with gesso, sanding between coats, and tone the surface with a very light grey, or a thinned down raw umber.

Also bring small surfaces for compositional studies. Small pieces of un-stretched canvas, primed paper or something similar, lightly toned.

My current still life palette looks something like this. Bring a wider variety of paints if you have them, any artist grade brand is acceptable.

Titanium White

Cremnitz (Lead) White

Lemon Yellow

Cadmium Yellow

Naples Yellow

Yellow Ochre

Cadmium Orange

Burnt Sienna

Cadmium Red

Alizarine Crimson

Burnt Umber

Raw Umber

Ivory Black

Ultramarine Blue

Phthalo Blue


Cadmium Green

Still-life Objects: We will each be setting up our own still life to paint from. Bring in a box of objects to work with. I would primarily consider the formal qualities of the objects: their shape, color, pattern, and the variety in size from one to another. If you have an old piece of wood, patterned cloth, colored paper or any other interesting surface you want put under the objects bring that too. We will be painting life-sized or a bit smaller, so think about what you are bringing in relationship to your canvas size. Objects could be centered around a theme: i.e. objects from the kitchen, from your desk, or all the items you would use to transplant a houseplant. They can be meaningful, or visually interesting, or incredibly mundane
