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Materials List: Scott Conary Workshop

Paints come in a wide range of qualities and price points. When shopping for paint, try to buy
artist grade instead of student grade paints. Every artist has their favorite colors, and the more
you paint, the more colors you will want.
Please bring the following colors (or your preferred substitute) plus any additional colors you
enjoy (standard 37ml tubes or smaller are fine):
White (Titanium or Titanium/Zinc White)
Black (Ivory, Mars, or Mars/Ivory)
Yellow Ochre or Gold Ochre
Burnt Sienna
Burnt Umber
Ultramarine Blue
Naphthol Red or Cadmium Red (medium)
Quinacridone Magenta and/or Alizarin Crimson Permanent
Hansa Yellow (or Winsor Yellow, produced by Winsor & Newton), Cadmium Yellow
(medium or light), Cadmium Yellow Hue*
*the hues are substitutes that are much less toxic and less expensive, but also not as potent.
Suggested additional colors (optional):
Phthalo Blue (Green shade if indicated)
Dioxazine purple
Pryolle Orange, Cadmium Orange, Cadmium Orange hue, Gamblin’s Mono Orange, or
Rembrandt Permanent Orange.
Raw Umber
One of the following (a small bottle is fine) or your favorite:
Gamblin Galkyd Lite (my current favorite)
Winsor Newton Liquin
Utrecht Alkyd Medium
Gamsol (will be provided by AFAS for students flying from out of town.)
Brushes: A set of brushes suitable for oil or acrylic paint, bristle or synthetic. A mixture of
sizes, at least three or four brushes, ranging from 3/16” to at least 1” in width. Brights or
Flats preferred. Plus any favorites.
Metal Palette Knife
Disposable palette, wooden, or glass. Or your preference. Disposable palettes are ideal for a
workshop setting.
Painting Supports
That thing you actually put the paint on (canvas, board, etc).
Smooth prepped masonite panels (e.g. Ampersand Gessoboard). At least four in a variety
of sizes. Smaller is better. From 5” x 7” up to 9” x 12”.
Any other supports you like
Vine Charcoal (medium or soft)
Eraser (old fashioned pink eraser works well)
Sketch or drawing pad. Lighter weight (60 lbs paper) is fine.
Rags or Paper Towels (blue shop towels work well)
Two containers with lids for solvent. metal or plastic (glass jars are not allowed at AFAS
One small container for painting medium (palette cups or small plastic jars)
Messy clothing. Paint goes places you don’t mean it to go.
Nitrile gloves (keeps hands clean. You can buy them at hardware store). This is somewhat
optional. I always make a mess and always use gloves.